The program is held annually in Chester or Fairfield County
and school nurses from across the state attend.
This year the program will also be available to social workers. This year’s program will provide 6.5 hours of
nursing credit, 2.0 hours of social work credit, and 4.5 hours of non-social
work credit.
The topic of the program is “Mental Health of Children,
Adolescents, and Their Families.” Speakers for the program represent NAMI (National
Alliance on Mental Illness) South Carolina and Catawba County Mental Health.
There will also be two speakers who will share their personal journey of living
with mental illness with an onset during school years.
To find out more information about this program, please contact Karen Nichols by phone at
(803) 377-8026 or email at knichols@umrhn.org.
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