University of South Carolina MPH candidate Andrea Gibson
worked with Lovelace Family Medicine and Newberry County Memorial Hospital to
generate and publish resources for maternal health. As part of her activities, Ms. Gibson created
a website entitled “Carrying to Cradle:
Resources for Healthy Pregnancies and Healthy Babies.” She also looked
at infant mortality rates and primary C-section rates, comparing those of Dr.
Oscar Lovelace’s office in Prosperity, South Carolina to those in the rest of
the state and in other parts of the country.
Her research has shown that rural medical practices can provide good
quality of care, as shown by Newberry having one of the lowest infant mortality
rates in South Carolina. Mid-Carolina
AHEC Health Professions Student Coordinators Julie Ghent and Jeff Cauthen are
pleased to have been a part of connecting Ms. Gibson with a community that can benefit
from her skills and interests.
For more information, contact Mid-Carolina HPS
Coordinators Julie Ghent (jughent@comporium.net) or Jeff Cauthen (jcauthen@comporium.net).
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